Quebrada de Humahuaca

With one day left before having to return the rental car in Salta, we chose to visit the Quebrada de Humahuaca. And what a good choice it was!

Despite having seen “similar” things in Mendoza, and then again around Cafayate, this day still managed to surprise us….more than once!

First driving through the fog, to leave the grey weather behind us, then the magical little town of Purmamarca, which we just casually chose to visit and definitely would have regretted if we had missed it. Later the view from the road all along the valley and finally the highlight of this day: the Serranía de Hornocal (The one in the title image). You have to earn yourself this amazing view of an incredible rock formation by driving a dirt road uphill for about 25 Km to an altitude of 4350m. Already from the parking lot you can enjoy a literally breathtaking view, but a short intensive walk (don’t underestimate the effort it takes to make a couple of hundred meters up and down a hill at 4350 m above sea level!) takes you to an even better viewpoint and leaves you even more breathless. It’s really that beautiful that one could cry.

There’s probably not much more we could say: enjoy the pictures and if you ever happen to be in this region do not for any reason in the world miss Purmamarca and the Hornocal!!!

One thought on “Quebrada de Humahuaca

  1. Incredibile quante forme e colori dona la natura e quanto questi possano cambiare da un continente all’altro, ma anche a distanza di “pochi” chilometri.
    Grazie mille per le incantevoli immagini che avete voluto condividere con noi.
    Un abbraccio da parte nostra e un “Miao” da Pinot

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