Happy Birthday Singapore!

Strolling around downtown Singapore, relaxed and excited about the stunning view around Clarke Quay, we hear an alarming sound of jet engines getting closer, closer, closer…. extremely close. What is going on?

Military jets flying over our heads, luckily in a nice parade like formation, which lets our thoughts change slightly (but significantly) from “uh oh, what’s going on here?” to “wow, what’s going on here?”. (Only later, looking a bit more carefully at the picture, we realize they’re drawing a 50 into Singapores sky)

After the first few, some more (and louder) jets, helicopters, (presumably) a presidential airliner and all the singaporean (?) Air Force has to offer, fly right above our heads, looking like they’re finding their way through skyscrapers higher than their expected route…

We were seeing some “50”s on advertising boards the whole time, but only when we got to a closed road with security, police, military all over the place, and all sort of wheapons driving past, we realized it was a Parade, part of the celebrations for the 50eth anniversary of Singapores independence from Malaysia. (In fact this big mess was only one of many rehearsals for the true party going on the second weekend in august – on Singapores national day – august 9)

After the parade fireworks, colored buildings, light shows, street food and concerts…

…all just a rehearsal – we’ll let you imagine what the “real deal” will be like by the pictures… We’re also wondering…
















4 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Singapore!

  1. Was man nicht alles machen kann mit Kampfjets. Sehr imposant und sehr schöne Bilder.
    So, jetzt muss ich aber wieder in den Garten und jäten.

    Tschüss Ihr Zwei und bis bald wieder.

  2. spannend …. da ist unser Nationalfeiertag etwas bescheidener!
    Danke für den Link und ich werde Euch “verfolgen” 🙂
    Gruss aus der (seit langem wieder einmal regnerischen) Schweiz

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