50 reasons why Broome is absolutely worth a visit:
Our site in a campground in broome facing the lagoon
postcard pictures right from our bed
perfect location, perfect weather, a well deserved refreshment – relaxing after so much driving
the colours and the atmosphere keeps changing from beautiful, to incredible, and back to beautiful… this beats every luxury 🙂
sunrise over the lagoon
sun slowly coming up
and there it is, making it already impossible to sleep in with its warmth 😀
let’s have breakfast then!
…and enjoy…
some nice shade, and nice lights
mangroves in high tide…
… and in low tide. a few hundred meters difference!!!
Can you spot the lizard?
Welcome to cable beach… one of the most beautiful beaches in Australia!
and THIS is why…
Time for our first ocean swimming in Australia, finally!
and sunbathing…
Camels? On the beach??? Yes, there are. We didn’t ride them, but they seem to be THE attraction on this beach…
Something completely new to us: driving on the beach. The beach is huge, and to find a little privacy you can drive along it and settle down wherever you feel like. Everyone seems to do it this way…
… and so did we… we’re on a 4×4 after all, so let’s use it!
Our little “private” spot on cable beach, for a little while …
Refreshment – Lemon squash!
Enjoying the sunset at cable beach, another highlight in Broome.
Around Broome you can find isolated and unbelievably nice places to explore. Let’s try…
… you have to drive on sand for quite a while, which can also be fun by the way
and you are rewarded with incredible scenery…
can it get even better?
yes it can! Our bush camp site by the ocean.
We’re not completely alone though… plenty of colourful birds, not always easy to catch on camera…
Can’t get tired of shooting sunset photographs…
there it is, another one… and it’s not the last one 😉
Just enjoying it…
…and this one is for you to enjoy 😀
Trying to hold on to it… don’t let the sun go down 🙂
Some late afternoon “activity”. Trying to catch our dinner….
… and if we wouldn’t manage at least we’re having a relaxing time by the water….
Nice little campfire to keep warm and…
… to cook our catch!
Also a dessert is not missing in our 3 star restaurant 😉
Time to drive back to Broome – on the sand of course…
People waiting for the moon to rise above the exposed tidal mud flats to produce a phenomenon called “staircase to the moon”. It can be seen every month in summer on full moon and low tide
This is not what we were expecting. No staircase today – thunderstorms blocking the view of the moon 🙁
You can feel the rainy season coming closer!
This is what it should have looked like… This is the sun instead of the moon (and so everything is much brighter already), but the effect on the seabottom on low tide is similar….