Blue Mountains

Carol and Bruce, whom we would like to thank again for being so nice to us, offered to take us to the Blue Mountains one day and show us around. Carol also showed us her hometown up there, the house where she grew up is still there. We picked a date that would suit us both, and the weather forecast was also not to bed for the day.

Soon as we approached the mountains to the west of Sydney, the clouds got thicker, and as higher we climbed, the less the hope that we would still be below the high clouds diminished. So after a stop at the first lookout where we were still able to see each other and even some of the beautiful panorama. But we were positive that it might clear up a bit and carried on to an even more dramatic lookout at a cliffs edge. Now we were completely in the blind in thick fog, and could only guess what it might look like from up there…

No chance so far, nothing to see, so the plan was adjusted to get some snack in a nearby town – if we remember well –  called Leura and look for scones cream and jam. It seemed like most of the cafés were closed over the holidays, so we had to look in more than one place before eventually we found a lovely old fashioned café (meaning with nice antique furniture and feel).

After lunch things were looking much better. The sky had opened up and we made our way to scenic world, a set of railway and two cableways which allow to explore the Blue Mountains other than on foot. When seeing the long queues at the ticket shop though, we decided that we would rather have a look around on foot and take in the views from the clifftops rather than the cable cars. We hope our lack of enthusiasm for the cable cars is not misunderstood as a lack of appreciation for the wonderful sights of the three sister, the panorama and the whole experience as a whole, which indeed was remarkable. And so we had the time to walk the clifftop hike and enjoy much of the views, while slowly walking in the open air, not completely alone of course, but probably much more comfortably, and probably for this reason we have many more picture to offer ?