Up to now we’ve been running quite well with last minute hotel bookings. But that weekend in Adelaide finding any room other than a presidential suite in the best 5 star hotel of the city was a real challenge. Who the hell wants to go to Adelaide on a chilly early summer weekend?
Well, turns out pretty much everyone! Reason being, some minor sports event like the first ever day and night test cricket match in history. Ok, if you are not into cricket (as most people from countries which aren’t former British colonies) then you are probably just about to ask “first….test…what???”. Well, that’s exactly our reaction… This, and other concomitant events made it nearly impossible for us to book a room as early as….6 d…ehm hours in advance :-/
But, well, we wouldn’t be world traveler if we gave up at the first little sign of difficulty. Kept searching and finally even found an incredible bargain: a lovely little hotel in perfect location downtown with a wonderful room and quite cheap too… How ‘s that possible? According to the hotel manager we placed our reservation just seconds (literally) after another guest canceled his….
Now that was lucky! And now that we’re here , we thought, we absolutely need to go to the stadium and have a look at that test thing ?
Being a 5 days match (one match which takes really up to 5 days to be completed… Who whatches this kind of things????) we easily found cheap tickets at the stadium and had a look at the show on the pitch and mostly in the stands… Thanks to our patience we resisted about 2 hours on day two of the match – just enough to start getting the basic rules and knowing when to cheer and when to curse for a missed chance …. That should be enough to claim we’re cricket experts now ?!
Carissimi Enrico e Melina,
Questa sera ho organizzato una serata con le mie amiche, durante la cena, parlando di viaggi, ho raccontato dell’esperienza che state vivendo insieme in giro per il mondo. Incuriosite le mie amiche hanno voluto “curiosare” nel vostro blog…inutile dire che siamo rimaste imbambolate davanti alle immagini che ci offrite regolarmente. Pure io, di nuovo, rivedendo le stupende immagini ho potuto cogliere alcuni dettagli in più! Insomma, grazie al vostro diario di bordo ci permettete di trovare un posticino nei vostri zaini e di seguirvi in questa incredibile avventura! Buon tutto per il proseguo.
Un caro saluto e….Miao! ;-D