4WD San Pedro to Uyuni – Day 3

Day 3

Finally on day 3: Salt flat…. what we came to see in the first place. And we must say, unlike for the other two days:the pictures don’t do justice to this amazing nature spectacle. The salt flat is huge (about 12’000 square kilometers! That’s twice the canton of Bern, 5 times Ticino or 10 times Aargau…) and driving/navigating or just being in the middle of it is a unique experience… You can’t say how far away the next car, mountain or even bycicle is, it’s also hard to say how fast you are going…

Almost an hour after leaving the salt hotel we finally reached the salt flat, and the first thought was “its like driving through a landscape covered with snow!”. It took another 30 minutes before we arrived at our first stop, the cactus island in the middle of this white flat. Kind of strange but that makes it special?.

We stayed just long enough on the island to walk to the top, see beautiful sceneries and wildlife and come back down before Casi drove us to somewhere in the middle of the salt flat (he could have driven us close to the end,we wouldn’t have noticed…) to take the kind of pictures everyone takes on this terrain. Because they look just amazing and most importantly and unexpectedly, we all had great fun taking them! ☺

Lunch was prepared and served at the oldest salt hotel, which is now a museum, and the tour ended with two stops at a local arts and crafts market and the last visit of this trip, the train cemetery.

2 thoughts on “4WD San Pedro to Uyuni – Day 3

  1. BELLO! Proprio BELLO! 🙂
    E poi, insomma, notiamo che vi trattate proprio bene…anche (o soprattutto?! ;-P) a livello di vini. Fate bene! D’altra parte, come ben dice Gino, “Un bicer da vin prima de mangià al tegn ul dutur fö de cà!”. Con questa saggia perla non possiamo che dire: “CIN CIN” a voi!
    Un caro saluto da noi tre…Miao!

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